Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some girl will be real lucky one day!

How can anyone resist this face?
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A ball full of heart attack.

He didn't even give this a second thought. Walked right up to the step ladder and started climbing, like we had pulled out a new toy for him especially. At least he's feeling a little better.
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Goalie Clinic

Jared had a goalie clinic before his game. Since he got his goalie gloves a few weeks ago, he's been super excited about this. He learned a lot and got a chance to put his new skills to work at the game following the clinic.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Soccer Boys

This evening Jared had soccer practice. Jeremy couldn't make it home in time so I took Asher while Tyler stayed at home waiting for Jeremy. You would have thought it was Asher's practice, not Jared's! They had a few baby sized kickballs in the gym that was hosting practice. Asher was in heaven. He was kicking the balls along the sideline! The kid can barely run but I'm guessing he will follow his brother's footsteps.

Jared got a nice wood burn? He slid on the gym's floor and it looks like a rug burn but there is no rug... OUCH!

And be prepared! Tyler is writing a news broadcast for her book report. I can't wait to videotape her (I bet she's just THRILLED, NOT!) and share!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Jared has been waiting all week to use his new soccer gloves and wear his new shoes. He was so intense about being a goalie. It was really precious. He got his opportunity early in the game and did VERY well. He stopped at least two attempts. He thinks it's the gloves but I think it's the kid!
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Gulp... That's his new hair.

Much to my dismay, this is his hair. I'm still digesting it all but I'm starting to be okay once the initial shock and tears are over. After a hair cut mishap, Jared's barber made him look presentably adorable again. Let's hope the curls come back!
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Asher's 1st Playgroup

Since I'm not working anymore and Asher is mobile, I thought we should get out more and have him play with babies/toddlers his own age. I met up with some other moms from a playgroup and we went to Tiny Tots Tea Room. Asher had a blast, once he became used to his surroundings. He shared some of his animal crackers and cheddar bunnies with two little girls. Mostly, he chased around some of the older (3-3.5 year old) boys. I guess he's just used to playing with Jared. He LOVED the princess castle they have. It has windows that can open and shut and a door too. I took him down the slide a few times but he just wanted to climb back up it. As you can see in the first two pictures, he really wanted the airplane that was on the other side of the table. Instead of walking around, he just sort of climbed on it! He has no fears.

Tomorrow is a break from any playgroups or playdates, we are just taking Grandma to her hairdresser's and grocery shopping. Then on Wednesday we're going to another playgym!
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Sunday, January 4, 2009


Countdown... school starts back up tomorrow!

I love my children but two weeks of non-stop, mostly in the house due to yucky weather can drain us all. I think they miss their friends and I miss my sanity.

This also means the hermit crabs go back too. Jared was lucky enough to take home the classroom hermit crabs, Dora and Max. They have been fun pets. Very low maintenance. I think they had fun at our house and became friends with Jared's gecko, Stripey.

Asher and I also have our first playgroup event tomorrow! Hopefully he'll be feeling up to it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Poor Asher!

Asher has a double ear infection. Last night we were out at the mall with Grandma M. and having a good time when all of a sudden, BAM! Crying, feverish but cold baby. He fell asleep in Old Navy, our last stop, and we headed home. We got him home and I took his temperature and it was 102 even. He had goose bumps though. I gave him some Tylenol and sprayed some saline drops up his nose because he was getting really stuffy. I took him upstairs to a steamy bathroom and his nose turned into a faucet. He continued to be stuffy but he was very tired and cranky so I held him until he fell asleep.

The night was up and down and involved a lukewarm bath to break the fever that got up to 103 despite alternating Tylenol and Motrin. Jeremy and I switched on and off. He had a brief happy, playful time at 4:30 a.m. where he was playing but that was shortlived.

Thankfully we have a wonderful pediatrician's office that has hours on both Saturday and Sunday. I called and got him right in Saturday morning. He was screaming miserably on the way there. We were very lucky and his pediatrician was in and we got to see him. Asher was pretty happy at the office, as I know quite a few of the staff.

Diagnosis: DOUBLE ear infection.

Explains the misery! We got two prescriptions: an antibiotic and numbing drops for the ears. We also got to pick up Tyler's prescriptions. Somehow, amidst the chaos of leaving the office, I forgot the antibiotic prescription. They called it into the pharmacy for us though.

He is feeling better but still have moments of absolute misery. Can't blame him. Being off balance, pain in both ears, runny nose and sleep deprived.

First Indoor Soccer Game

Jared had his first indoor soccer game today. He did pretty well! He scored a goal but unfortunately it didn't count because the referee had called the whistle mid-kick. I believe they won but I'm not sure. After the game and a party we went to, we took the gift card Grandpa H. got him and went to Sports Authority. Jared got some goalie gloves and indoor soccer shoes. He was THRILLED. He is going to a goalie clinic in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, Jeremy, Tyler and Asher could not make it as Asher was pretty sick (see next post) but next week, they'll be there!
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone has a wonderful 2009!

New Year's Eve was wonderful. We spent it with some great friends. The kids had a blast as well. We thought we were going to spend it at home but at the last minute, a bunch of us got together. 2008 was a wonderful year and I hope 2009 is just as good. A lot of changes already and here's hoping for the best!