Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I think we are bottle free!

No, not me! I will still drink from certain bottles if the alcohol count is high enough!

I'm talking about Asher! We introduced the sippy cup, thinking maybe he is ready. We tried a few but the sucking versus output was too low and it annoyed him and he gave up. I think those sippies will be fine at an older age. I found some better suited for him. I put them in his stocking (just because I bought them two days before Christmas). We randomly gave them to him and he was fine. We were still giving him bottles for nap and bed times.

Sunday night into Monday morning was the last bottle, I'm hoping. Hoping because hand washing the BPA filled bottles is a pain. He hasn't complained or whined for one at all! He has woken up for a few sips already tonight and takes right to the sippy cup. Normally that's the bottle most babies want to keep and I expected a possible fight. But, we all know, Asher is far from normal.

He really is growing up too fast.

For my dear brother-in-law, if he ever happens to read this. It will happen soon for my nephew! I know he's 19 months old but kids develop differently and some have attachments to the bottle itself. Asher just has an attachment to the contents!

P.S. Asher is trying to run. Who's up for baby-sitting?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy 28th to ME!

I had a WONDERFUL birthday! Even though I stayed home, it was great. I was with the people I love the most.

Jeremy made me a delicious chicken Parmesan with spaghetti. He made me a cake as well. I got some cash to go and get my hair done. My hair is in desperate need of dye. I mean desperate.

If the kids would have cooperated, it would have been grand but the eldest two had some behavioral issues. Poor Asher has some teeth coming in and maybe an ear infection. He just wanted to cuddle with me, which is sweet but slightly annoying when you need to go to the bathroom!

Thank you to everyone who called, emailed or IMed me birthday wishes.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas to all!
The kids (and us) had a wonderful Christmas. The kids were very grateful for all their gifts and thanks everyone for them! They love that Grandma came on Christmas Eve and spent the night and opened presents with us, it's always a treat. It was Asher's 1st Christmas and I think he was a bit overwhelmed but enjoyed it overall. He only unwrapped a few but I think he'll like the gifts better when they are all set up.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I LOVE Christmas! Ask anyone. So yes, I again, torture my poor children with matching or coordinating PJs and clothes. I'm sorry but they look simply adorable if I do say so myself.
The kids got to open one present each on Christmas Eve. This year they were from their great grandmother, Mudd Mudds. Jared got a Nerf gun, Tyler got lots of cool Hannah Montana stuff and Asher got a vacuum cleaner. They loved their gifts! The boys also got their yearly Hess trucks, always a bonus treat!
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Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas with friends!

Today we had a Christmas celebration with our friends/family. We all show up in our PJs to Jeremy's cousin's house as well! The adults do a secret Santa type exchange and the kids have a blast opening presents, making cookies and playing with each other.
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Pajama Day

It was Pajama Day in Jared's class today! I was lucky enough to be the first reader. I read the story Pajama Day. A very cute book! His class loved it. I wore my PJs just like his friends and teachers.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Asher Walks!

Asher is WALKING!

We've added a slideshow!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Concert

Jared had his holiday concert this morning and he and his friends looked adorable! They sang several songs and Jared seem to have a lot of fun. He is one cute elf!
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Job for ME!

As of the first of the year, I will be a full-time stay at home mom. Not really by choice but I am being laid off.

I hope to go back to school some and spend more time with the kids.

Some probably thought that I got a lot of time with the kids working from home but it was a job that involved a lot of computer work and being on the phones and not so much Tyler, Jared and Asher time.

I'll being joining some playgroups, attending library story time and cooking dinners that involve a little more time.

I hope we can financially manage this, it will be a great thing. Keep us in your prayers!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why my kids will hate me when I'm old and gray.

Yes, that is the perfect name for this post. I love my children dearly but I do subject them to coordinating outfits like this for some occasions. Jeremy shakes his head and rolls his eyes and soon will be the day that they will too. But don't they look adorable? This was my very failed attempt of holiday card shots at the museum.
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The Afternoon at the Museum

We went to the museum this afternoon. We hadn't been in awhile. The had the Chocolate Fest going on and there were a lot of other vendors too. The kids had a blast!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

9 Month Stats

Here is a quickie:

Asher went to see Dr. Brand today and according to him, Asher is growing wonderfully. Great news as always.

Weight: 19 lbs., 13 oz.
Length: 28 in.

Both are in the 50th percentile.

He is doing a lot of things that are in the 12 to 15 month gross and fine motor skill area.

And no shots today!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

9 Months Old

I can not believe it! Asher Nathaniel is 9 months old today. The time is flying by. He is such a good baby and he's growing up so quickly. Tomorrow we go for his 9 month check up. Hopefully there will be no shots and he has gained some of the weight back that he lost from being sick a few weeks ago.